Meet your counselor, Ms. Creutz

Welcome to the Caro Middle School Counseling Page!  My name is Ms. Creutz and I am the school counselor here at the middle school in Caro.  I have the joy of working with students through in-person and virtual classroom guidance lessons, small group counseling, and individual counseling.  I also collaborate with school staff and parents in order to best meet the needs of students.  Make sure you are watching the videos that are posted twice a week in your intervention classes.  If I can help in any way or you have any questions please contact me at 989-673-3167 ext. 2005 or at 



The new nationwide 988 three-digit dialing code will route callers to the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline, previously known as the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (NSPL). Michigan residents in crisis or distress can connect via phone, text, or chat with suicide prevention, mental health, and substance misuse support specialists using a nationwide, easier-to-dial phone number – 988. Calls to 988 are routed to Michigan 988 Centers. Like 911 and other national 3-digit phone numbers, 988 was created to be easier to remember and make crisis care easier to access. Starting in 2023, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services is asking schools to begin the transition of shifting away from using the former NSPL number on the back of school identifications (IDs), replacing the 800 number with 988.  For questions or additional information, please email or visit the website 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline and Michigan Crisis & Access Line.